Mahadeva Shipping &
Management Pvt. Ltd.
Address Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Phone Number +91 22 79622990

Your FeedBack

Any complaint or Grievance to be resolved as per Technical Manager's policy. Our company Seafarers or Non company seafarers can write directly to the Managing Director of the company by email or send a letter by post to any of the company's offices. All records of grievance and proof of addressing them shall be kept by our office. We shall resolve all complaints within 7 working days.

If Seafarer's complaint is not sorted out by the company, the seafarer has the right to approach the Director General of Shipping or Seamen's Employment Office of the relevant flag authority. The company will cooperate fully with the seafarer and the authorities to resolve the grievance of the seafarer. Visitors to our office or any Vendor of our company can place feedback or lodge customer complaints and address their grievances by writing directly to the Managing Director of the company by email or send a letter by post to any of the company's offices. A record is maintained in our office on corrective actions. We shall resolve all complaints within 30 working days.